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Daniel Galvin
Die, 28/11/2023 - 12:00 - 13:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
Parent event:
Low-dimensional topology seminar For a 4-dimensional smooth manifold X, the Casson-Sullivan invariant is the obstruction for a self-homeomorphism of X to be stably pseudo-isotopic to a diffeomorphism, and is valued in the third cohomology of X with Z/2-coefficients. I will discuss the realisability of this invariant; in particular, I will show that it is stably realisable for closed, orientable, smooth 4-manifolds. I will then use this invariant and surgery theory to find many examples of 4-manifolds that admit self-homeomorphisms that are homotopic to the identity but are not pseudo-isotopic to a diffeomorphism even after arbitrarily many stabilisations.
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