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Cohomological Hall algebras and P=W conjecture

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Alexandre Minets
University of Edinburgh/MPIM
Don, 14/12/2023 - 15:00 - 16:00
MPIM Lecture Hall
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Let S be a smooth surface, and Coh(S) the moduli stack of properly supported coherent sheaves on S. One can equip the Borel-Moore homology of Coh(S) with a convolution algebra structure; this is called the cohomological Hall algebra (CoHA) of S. While understanding CoHA algebraically is more or less hopeless for a general S, I will give an explicit presentation of its part, which corresponds to sheaves with zero-dimensional support. I will further explain how this presentation was used to prove the P=W conjecture of de Cataldo-Hausel-Migliorini about the perverse filtration on the cohomology of the Hitchin system of a smooth projective curve C.

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