This is the seventeenth of a series of short workshops jointly organized by the Geometry/Topology groups in Bonn, Nijmegen, and Utrecht, all situated along the Lower Rhine. The focus lies on the development and application of new structures in geometry and topology such as Lie groupoids, differentiable stacks, Lie algebroids, generalized complex geometry, topological quantum field theories, higher categories, homotopy algebraic structures, higher operads, derived categories, and related topics.
Webpages of the previous meetings: I (Bonn), II (Nijmegen), III (Utrecht), IV (Bonn), V (Nijmegen), VI (Utrecht), VII (Leuven), VIII (Bonn), IX (Nijmegen), X (Utrecht), XI (Bonn), XII (Nijmegen), XIII (Utrecht), XIV (MPIM Bonn), XV (Nijmegen), XVI (Utrecht)
Remy van Dobben de Bruyn (Utrecht)
David Miyamoto (MPIM)
Jaco Ruit (Utrecht)
Steffen Sagave (Nijmegen)
Andreas Schüßler (KU Leuven)
Karandeep Singh (MPIM)
Katrin Wehrheim (UC Berkeley)
See above "Program and Abstracts"
The registration is closed.
Financial support
Limited financial support is available. If you need support, please add a request on your registration webform with a brief justification. Please note that the workshop is relatively local in scope, so that we might be able to cover your accommodation but probably not your travel expenses. Please note that due to time constraints, the hotel registration is binding if you get an invitation from us and have selected a hotel request in your registration.
Practical information
For practical information such as how to get to the institute and a list of hotels see here.
For any further inquiries please send an email to conference$@$mpim-bonn$.$mpg$.$de.
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