Stabilisations of 5-dimensional s-cobordisms
K-theory and periodicity
The chromatic perspective organizes elements in p-local homotopy groups into periodic families whose period depends on a height n. A simplified form of the redshift conjecture of Ausoni and Rognes asks if algebraic K-theory increases height by exactly one. In joint work with J. Hahn and D. Wilson, we prove this in the case of the prime skew fields in homotopy theory known as Morava K-theory. In my talk, I will mostly spend time motivating this result and perhaps mention a new tool from arithmetic geometry that is key to the proof.
Hecke operators on p-adic modular forms
p-adic L-functions
A formal language for formal category theory
Equipments, a special kind of double categories, have shown to be a powerful environment to express formal category theory. We build a model structure on the category of double categories and double functors whose fibrant objects are the equipments, and combine this together with Makkai’s early approach to equivalence invariant statements in higher category theory via FOLDS (First Order Logic with Dependent Sorts) and Henry’s recent connection between model structures and formal languages, to show a result on the equivalence invariance of formal category theory.
Vorlesung: The Habiro Ring of a Number Field
The degree of algebraic cycles on hypersurfaces
Let X be a very general hypersurface of dimension 3 and degree d at least 6. Griffiths and Harris conjectured in 1985 that the degree of every curve on X is divisible by d. Substantial progress on this conjecture was made by Kollár in 1991 via degeneration arguments. However, the conjecture of Griffiths and Harris remained open in any degree d. In this talk, I will explain how to prove this conjecture (and its higher-dimensional analogues) for infinitely many degrees d.
Stability of elliptic Fargues-Scholze L-packets
The local Langlands correspondence conjecturally partitions the irreducible representations of a p-adic group into the so-called L-packets. Such a partition is conjecturally to be characterized by the stability condition, which is proven in many cases (when a construction of the local Langlands correspondence for certain representations is available) using the theory of endoscopy. In this talk, we will show that for elliptic L-parameters, the construction of Fargues-Scholze satisfies the stability condition. Using a formula of Hansen--Kaletha--Weinstein, we will reduce the problem of stability to showing equi-distribution properties of the weight multiplicities of highest weight representations of an algebraic group. Our proof of equi-distribution properties might be of independent interest.
Introduction talk
Slicing knots in general 4-manifolds
Knots which bound embedded discs in the 4-ball are called slice, and such knots have been studied for several decades. More generally one can ask which knots bound embedded discs, i.e. are slice, in an arbitrary 4-manifold with 3-sphere boundary. E.g. if one finds a knot which is slice in a homotopy 4-ball but not in the 4-ball, this would disprove the 4-dimensional Poincare conjecture. In this talk I will discuss recent work in this area, including but not limited to my joint work with Kasprowski, Powell, and Teichner; with Miller, Kjuchukova, and Sakalli; and with Marengon, Miller, and Stipsicz. I will also state some of my favourite open problems in this topic.
The refined class number formula for Drinfeld modules
Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field, let $K/k$ be a finite Galois extension of function fields over $\mathbb{F}_q$, and let $E$ be a Drinfeld $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$-module defined over the ring of integers of $k$. In joint work with Daniel Macías Castillo and Daniel Martínez Marqués, we have formulated and proven an equivariant refinement of Taelman's formula for the special value of the Goss L-function attached to a Drinfeld module (which can be interpreted as a function field analogue of the analytic class number formula).
In this talk, I will review Taelman's work and discuss our formulation of the equivariant class number formula, as well as some explicit consequences for the Galois module structure of the Taelman class group of $E$ over $K$.
The etale topology in equivariant homotopy theory
In this talk, I will introduce the concept of a separable commutative algebra in the setting of tt-geometry and discuss its connection to Mathew’s work on Galois theory. Building on this, I will present several classification results for separable algebras in derived commutative algebra and chromatic homotopy theory. In the final part of the talk I will focus attention to the problem of classifying separable algebras in the category of genuine G-spectra for a finite group G.
On the modularity of reducible Galois representations
I will discuss analogues in the reducible case of classical questions on the modularity of 2-dimensional residual Galois representations such as (weak and strong forms of) Serre's modularity conjecture and the level raising problem.
Preimages of the sum of proper divisors function
Let $s(n)$ denote the sum of proper divisors of an integer $n$. The function $s(n)$ has been studied for thousands of years, due to its connection with the perfect numbers. In 1992, Erdös, Granville, Pomerance, and Spiro (EGPS) conjectured that if $\mathcal{A}$ is a set of integers with asymptotic density zero then $s^{-1}(\mathcal{A})$ also has asymptotic density zero. This has been confirmed for certain specific sets $\mathcal{A}$, but remains open in general. In this talk, we will give a survey of recent progress towards the EGPS conjecture. This talk is based on joint work with Paul Pollack and Carl Pomerance, and also on joint work with Kübra Benli, Giulia Cesana, Cécile Dartyge, and Charlotte Dombrowsky.
Geometric structures on manifolds and their Lie groupoids of symmetry
I will propose and try to motivate an answer to the question: "What is a geometric structure on a smooth manifold?" Roughly speaking, the answer is that a geometric structure is a principal groupoid bundle equipped with a compatible exterior differential system - a geometric description of a PDE.
Kudla–Millson divisors (continued) [study group]
p-adic modular forms
Modular forms modulo p
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