WIQI topology seminar
Seminar webpage: https://guests.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/bianchi/wiqi.html
WIQI topology seminar
Seminar webpage: https://guests.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/bianchi/wiqi.html
The equivariant index and twisted operators and genera I
The Habiro Ring of a Number Field
Webpage: https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/scholze/veranstaltungen.html
The Habiro Ring of a Number Field
Webpage: https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/scholze/veranstaltungen.html
Geometric quantization associated to mixed toric polarizations
A crucial problem in geometric quantization is to understand the relationship among quantum spaces associated to different polarizations. Two types of polarizations on toric varieties, Kähler and real, have been studied extensively. In this talk, I will introduce the quantum spaces associated to mixed toric polarizations and explore their relationships with those associated with Kähler polarizations.
WIQI Topology seminar
Seminar webpage: https://guests.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/bianchi/wiqi.html
WIQI topology seminar
Seminar webpage: https://guests.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/bianchi/wiqi.html
Bounds for Kloosterman Sums for $\mathrm{GL}_n$
Classical Kloosterman sums defined by $S(m,n;c):=\sum_{x\in (\mathbb{Z}/c\mathbb{Z})^*}e\Big(\frac{mx+n\overline{x}}{c}\Big)$ for $m,n\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $c\in\mathbb{Z}^+$ have become ubiquitous in Number Theory appearing for example in Fourier coefficients of classical Poincaré series and therefore in the geometric side of relative trace formulae of Petersson-Kuznetsov type.
Working with relative trace formulae over $\mathrm{GL}_n$ requires understanding of more general Kloosterman sums.
In this talk, I will present a method to parametrize and bound the generalized Kloosterman sums for $\mathrm{GL}_n$ obtaining a power saving compared to the trivial bound.
The unitary cobordism hypothesis, part 2
The cobordism hypothesis classifies extended topological quantum
field theories (TQFTs) in terms of algebraic information in the target
category. One of the core principles in quantum field theory - unitarity -
says that state spaces are not just vector spaces, but Hilbert spaces.
Recently in joint work with many others, we have defined unitarity for
extended TQFTs, inspired by Freed and Hopkins. Our main technical tool is a
higher-categorical version of dagger categories; categories $C$ equipped
with a strict anti-involution $\dagger: C \to C^{op}$ which is the identity
on objects. I explain joint work in progress with Theo Johnson-Freyd,
Cameron Krulewski and Lukas Müller in which we prove a version of the
cobordism hypothesis for unitary TQFTs. The main observation is that the
\emph{stably} framed bordism n-category is freely generated as a symmetric
monoidal dagger n-category with unitary duals by a single object: the point.
The Habiro Ring of a Number Field
Webpage: https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/scholze/veranstaltungen.html
Watanabe's diffeomorphism invariant, part 2
Watanabe's diffeomorphism invariant, part 1
Bridgeland stability conditions on free quotients
Given the data of a variety, an algebra, or more generally a triangulated category, Bridgeland stability produces a complex manifold (the space of stability conditions). What does the geometry of this manifold tell us about the starting data? In this talk we'll investigate this question by looking for so-called "geometric" stability conditions on surfaces that arise as free quotients by finite groups.
The Atiyah-Singer index theorem
Iwasawa Theory III
The Cohen–Lenstra moments for functions fields and stable homology of Hurwitz spaces
The Cohen--Lenstra heuristics predict the distribution of the odd part of class groups of quadratic fields, and are one of the driving conjectures in arithmetic statistics. I will explain work with Aaron Landesman, where we compute the moments of the Cohen--Lenstra distribution for function fields, when the size of the finite field is sufficiently large (depending on the moment). We follow an approach to this problem due to Ellenberg--Venkatesh--Westerland, and the key new input is the computation of the stable rational homology of Hurwitz spaces associated to certain conjugacy classes in generalized dihedral groups. I will explain the ideas in our computation of the stable homology in the case of the dihedral group of order 6 with conjugacy class transpositions.
Circle-equivariant elliptic cohomology and Jacobi forms
Postnikov towers and animation
Tiling in groups with nonpositive curvature
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