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Informationen zum Gästeprogramm des MPIM

Application for the Guest Program and for postdoc positions

To apply for a stay at the MPIM, please fill out the online application form and provide all required documents. If you have any questions, please contact us at

The selection committee meets twice per year (summer and fall). The deadline for the next application round is May 24, 2025. Please note that also the letters of recommendation (two) should have been uploaded by the time of the deadline.

Important practical issues:

You need 2 letters of recommendation. It is very important to input current email addresses for the recommendation letter writers, as once you upload your application (and only then!) a request for writing a recommendation letter is sent automatically to these addresses. A timely uploading of your application is therefore essential for the letter writers to have sufficient time to finish their work before our deadline.

Guest program applications (for mathematicians with tenure):

It is best to apply about one year before the intended starting date of your stay. During June-July we are usually overbooked and hence have to be very strict with invitations for that period. The application period can be up to one year.

Postdoc applications:

Please try to apply in our fall meeting if you plan to come in the fall after you received your PhD. In this case you can apply for up to two years and we will assign a Mentor to you, who will introduce you to their research group in Bonn.

Guest Program

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The Guest Program is the key concept distinguishing the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics from other Max Planck Institutes. Within the program mathematicians with a completed Ph.D. can work at the MPIM for a fixed period of time, ranging from weeks to several months. Young researches at the postdoctoral level can get in contact to established scientists, who enjoy staying at the MPIM for a sabbatical. The whole concept of the program is about stimulating the communication and the exchange of ideas within the mathematics community. Over the years a few thousand mathematicians have used this unique opportunity.

The institute also hosts many so-called activities, consisting of a conference and an attached workshop. Many scientist combine their stay with such an event.

Participation in the Guest Program or working at MPIM as a Postdoc requires an Application, which will be decided upon at regular meetings of the scientific advisory board. Successful applicants will receive an invitation to work at the MPIM.

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