The Tropical Day is a day with four talks in tropical geometry. These talks are aiming at a broad audience with a general interest in tropical geometry. We hope for an active participation from Bonn and nearby cities.
Dima Grigoriev (CNRS Lille / Bonn)
Sara Lamboglia (University of Frankfurt)
Andreas Weber (University of Bonn)
Martin Ulirsch (University of Frankfurt)
Oliver Lorscheid (MPIM Bonn / IMPA Rio de Janeiro, email:
Cecilia Salgado (MPIM Bonn / UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, email:
Here are the links to the program and the abstracts as soon as they become available.
Financial support
There is limited funding, for PhD students and young postdocs, for lodging by the Max Planck Insitute for Mathematics available. Please contact one of the organizers as soon as possible if you plan to attend and if you need funding.
Practical information
For practical information such as how to get to the institute and a list of hotels see here.
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