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Scientific Members

Werner Ballmann

Retired Scientific Member


Born 1951. Studies of mathematics with Diplom 1976 and Promotion 1979 at the University of Bonn. Habilitation, University of Bonn 1984. Scientific Assistant, University of Bonn 1979-1985. Research Scholarship (DFG), University of Pennsylvania 1980-1981. Associate Professor, University of Maryland 1984-1986. Associate Professor, University of Bonn 1986-1987. Full Professor, University of Zürich 1987-1989. Full Professor, University of Bonn 1989-2016. Director, MPI for Mathematics 2007-2019. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 2007.



Lecture Notes

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie

Differential Geometry at the University of Bonn


Gerd Faltings

Retired Scientific Member


Born 1954. Studies of mathematics and physics, University of Münster. Diploma and Ph.D., University of Münster 1978. Visitor, Harvard University 1978-1979. Assistant, University of Münster 1979-1982. Habilitation, University of Münster 1981. Professor, University of Wuppertal 1982-1984. Professor, Princeton University 1985-1994. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 1994. Director, MPI for Mathematics 1995-2022. Fields Medal 1986. Guggenheim Fellowship 1988. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 1996. Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize 2008. Heinz Gumin Prize 2010. King Faisal International Prize for Science 2014. Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2015.

Dennis Gaitsgory

Scientific Member & Director
+49 (0)228 402-0
+49 (0)228 402-277

Born in 1973. Studies at Tel Aviv University 1990–1996. PhD with Joseph Bernstein 1997. Visitor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 1996-1999. Clay Research Fellow 2000-2004. Professor, University of Chicago 2001-2004. Professor, Harvard University since 2005. Director MPI for Mathematics since 2021. Junior Fellow, Harvard University 1997. Prize of the European Mathematical Society 2000. Clay Senior Scholar 2019. Member of the National Academy of Sciences 2020.


For further details see Dennis Gaitsgory's homepage.

Stavros Garoufalidis

External Scientific Member
+49 (0)228 402-0

M.S. in Mathematics, University of Chicago 1988. Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Chicago 1992.  MSRI member 1993-95.  CLE Moore Instructor, MIT 1992-93.
Tamarkin Instructor, Brown University 1995-96. Assistant Professor, Harvard University 1996-97&98-99.  Assistant Professor, Brandeis University 1997-98. Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology 1999-00&2001-02. Lecturer, University of Warwick 2001-02. Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology 2003-19. Bronze medal (with distinction) in the 24th IMO in 1998, American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship 1998-00, Simons Foundation Fellowship 2013, Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 2012

Personal Homepage

Sergei Gukov

External Scientific Member

Born 1977. B.S. in Physics and Mathematics at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1997. M.S. in Physics Princeton University 1999. Ph.D. in Physics Princeton University 2001. Long-term Prize Fellow of Clay Mathematics Institute 2001-2006. Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics at California Institute of Technology since 2004 and University of California Santa Barbara since 2006. 1st prize Soviet Union Physics Olympiad 1992. 1st prize Moscow Mathematics Olympiad 1992. ISSEP Award, Soros Fellow in Physics 1995-1995. Fellowship of the President of the Russian Federation 1995-1996. Fellowship of the Government of the Russian Federation 1996-1997. John Hertz Merit Fellowship 1997-1998. I. Ya. Pomeranchuk Award for Young Scientists 2000.

Günter Harder

Retired Scientific Member


Born 1938. Studies of mathematics and physics, University of Hamburg and University of Göttingen 1958-1964. Staatsexamen (final examination) and Ph.D., University of Hamburg 1964. Habilitation, University of Hamburg 1966. Member of the Scientific Council, University of Heidelberg 1967-1969. Professor, University of Bonn 1969-1974. Professor, GHS Wuppertal 1974-1980. Professor, University of Bonn 1980-2003. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 1991. Director, MPI for Mathematics 1995-2006. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 1987. Karl Georg Christian von Staudt-Preis 2004.

Friedrich Hirzebruch †

Founding director of the institute


October 17, 1927 - May 27, 2012. Studies of mathematics, physics and mathematical logic, University of Münster and ETH Zürich. Ph.D., University of Münster 1950. Scientific Assistant, University of Erlangen 1950-1952. Member, Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) 1952-1954. Scholarship holder, University of Münster 1954-1955. Habilitation, University of Münster 1955. Assistant Professor, Princeton University 1955-1956. Full Professor of Mathematics, University of Bonn 1956-1993. Founding director, MPI for Mathematics 1980-1995. Honorary doctorates of 15 German and foreign Universities and Academies. Wolf Prize 1988. Lobachevskij Prize of the Academy of Sciences USSR 1990. Stefan Banach Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences 1999. Alfried Krupp Science Prize 2000. Georg Cantor Medal of the German Mathematical Society 2004.

Stefan Müller

External Scientific Member
+49(0)228 73-62289
+49(0)228 73-62384

Diplom in Mathematics, Bonn University 1987. PhD, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh 1989. Visiting Ass. Prof., Carnegie Mellon University 1989-1990. Postdoc, SFB 256, Bonn University 1990-1993. Visiting Member, IAS Princeton 1993-1994. Full Professor, Freiburg University 1994. Full Professor, ETH Zürich 1995. Director, MPI Mathematics in the Sciences 1996-2008. Full Professor, Bonn University since 2008. Prize of the European Mathematical Society 1992. Max-Planck Research Prize (jointly with V. Šverák) 1993. Member of the Academy of Berlin-Brandenburg 1999. Collatz prize of CICIAM 1999. Leibniz prize 2000. Member of the Academy Leopoldina 2002.

Werner Nahm

External Scientific Member

Studies of physics in Frankfurt and at the Ludwigs Maximilian University Munich 1966-1970. Diploma in physics at Ludwigs Maximilian University Munich 1970, Ph.D. at Bonn University 1972. Postdoc at Bonn University 1972-1975, fellow and staff member of CERN 1976 - 1982. Heisenberg fellow at Bonn University 1982 - 1986. Associate professor at UC Davis 1986 - 1989, full professor at Bonn University 1989 - 2002. Since 2002 senior professor at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, and director of the School of Theoretical Physics. Fellow of the Royal Society.

Peter Scholze

Scientific Member & Director
+49 (0)228 402-206
+49 (0)228 402-277

Born 1987. Studies of Mathematics at the University of Bonn, Master 2010, PhD 2012. Clay Research Fellow 2011-2016. Chancellor's Professor, UC Berkeley, Fall 2014. Hausdorff Chair, University of Bonn, since October 2012. Scientific Member and Director, MPI for Mathematics, since July 2018.
Awards (selection): 2014 Clay Research Award, 2015 Ostrowski Prize, 2016 Leibniz Prize of the DFG, 2018 Fields Medal, 2019 Great Cross of Merit of Germany.
Invited Lectures (selection): 2014 Marston Morse Lectures, Princeton; 2014 Takagi Lectures, Tokyo; 2016 Plenary Lecture, European Congress of Mathematics; 2018 Plenary Lecture, International Congress of Mathematicians

For further details see Peter Scholze's homepage.


Peter Teichner

Scientific Member & Managing Director


Born 1963. Studies of Mathematics with Diplom 1988 and PhD 1992 at the University of Mainz, advised by Matthias Kreck. Scientific Assistant, University of Mainz 1990-1992 and 1995-1996. Feodor-Lynen Fellowship (Humboldt Stiftung), University of California, San Diego 1992-1995 with Michael Freedman. Miller Research Fellow, UC Berkeley 1996-1997. Associate Professor, UC San Diego 1996-1999. Full Professor, UC San Diego 1999-2004. Full Professor, UC Berkeley since 2004. Scientific Member and Director, MPI for Mathematics since 2008.

Find further details on Peter Teichner's personal page.

Maryna Viazovska

External Scientific Member

Born in Kiev in Ukraine in 1984. She obtained her Bachelor degree in Mathematics in 2005 from Kiev National University and a Master's degree in 2007 from the University of Kaiserslautern. She was a doctoral student of Don Zagier in the MPIM graduate school from 2008-2012, working on modular forms. In 2013 she received her PhD from the University of Bonn. After a postdoctoral position at the Humboldt University in Berlin she joined the faculty of the École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, where she became full professor in 2018.

Don Zagier

Retired Scientific Member


Born 1951. Studies of mathematics and physics, M.I.T. 1966-1968. D.Phil., Oxford University 1971. Habilitation, University of Bonn 1975. Member of academic staff, SFB Theoretische Mathematik, University of Bonn 1971-1984. Professor, University of Bonn since 1976. Chair Professor of Number Theory, University of Maryland 1979-1990. Professor, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) 1990-1991 and 1992-1993. Professor, University of Utrecht 1990-2001. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 1984. Director, MPI for Mathematics 1995-2019. Professor, Collège de France (Paris) 2000-2014. Distinguished Staff Associate, ICTP, Trieste since 2014. Carus Prize 1984. Frank Nelson Cole Prize 1987. Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize 2001. Member of the National Academy of Sciences 2017. Honorary member of the London Mathematical Society since 2019.

Find more information on Don Zagier's personal web page.

Yuri Manin †

Retired Scientific Member


Born 1937. M.Sc., University of Moscow 1958. Ph.D. (Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences), Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1960. Habilitation, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, 1963. Principal Researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 1960-1993; since 1993 Principal Researcher in absentia. Professor (Algebra Chair), University of Moscow 1965-1992. Professor, M.I.T. 1992-1993. Scientific Member, MPI for Mathematics since 1993. Director, MPI for Mathematics 1995-2005, now Professor Emeritus. Board of Trustees Professor, Northwestern University (Evanston, USA) 2002-2011, now Professor Emeritus. Lenin Prize 1967. Brouwer Medal 1987. Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize 1994. Rolf Schock Prize in Mathematics 1999. King Faisal International Prize in Mathematics 2002. Georg Cantor Medal 2002. Order pour le Mérite for Science and Art, Germany, 2007. Great Cross of Merit with Star, Germany, 2008. János Bolyai International Mathematical Prize, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2010. Member of nine Academies of Sciences. Honorary degrees at Sorbonne, Oslo, Warwick. Honorary Member of the London Math. Society.

Detailed Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

List of Publications (pdf)

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